I know it's been FOREVER since I blogged, but at least I had a semi-good reason (well, that's what I've been telling myself). I have been so busy working on Christmas gifts and I didn't want to risk anyone seeing them before the big day. :o) Now that Christmas has come and gone, I can post away.

I decided to knit gloves for each of my sisters-in-law and my mother-in-law this year. Around thanksgiving 2008 one of my sisters-in-law made a comment that it would be so nice if I would make her a pair of gloves. That got me thinking....so I worked all year and made 7 pair of gloves! Can you believe it?!?! 7 pair!
Details on each pair can be found on my ravelry project pages. 
I think they really like them! :o)
I also made 3 of my nieces (Jacqui, Anna, and Emily) a pair of fetching fingerless gloves. I personally have never understood why so many people love them...I feel like a hobo when I have them on. But since almost 14,000 pair have been made I figured it must be only me who feels that way. :o) I only have a picture of the pair I made Jacqui...
Finally, I whipped up a butterfly hat for my momma. She picked out this pattern way back in February or March...right after she lost the hat I made her last year. :o)
I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!
I can't wait to get started on all the fun projects I have planned for 2010...you've been warned..........